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Welcome to the official Ark of Time website.

I built this page to provide instructions for the capsule, collect data, showcase new work by KOOLLECTIVE and LIZZIE KROO, and for the simple joy of creating a website. 

Go ahead and explore the site, check out the merch, listen to some old tunes. After that, you have homework!

When you're ready, click "Fill the Ark" to get started. I recommend doing this on a desktop.​ The deadline for submissions is June 30th.

- With love, from the past, Max

Dear Crew of 2023,

The Ark will be buried
July 7th, 2023

2023 Countdown

2053 Countdown

The Ark will be opened
July 7th, 2053


Click below and follow the instructions. It will probably take you an hour. I wish it was easier too, but listen, you don't have to do any of this. It's all optional. You get out what you put in. Ark of Time.



The most exclusive clothing line on the planet. Brand new merch designed by Emily, Patrick, and Max. Get yours today!

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